Monday, October 6, 2008

A moment...

Lately more and more I have been thinking about becoming a graduate school dropout. I am having an overwhelming, make me want to cry/dropout, at any moment school week. I know I won't really do it but man the thought sure has sounded good this week!

I have an advanced patho test this Wednesday that I feel completely unprepared for. Have I studied? Yes. But it is pretty much like this..."Study these 1000+ pages, know everything, and you will do great on the test!" I have been studying but have no idea as to where to focus my studying on or what we will be tested on. Believe me, we have asked the professor to guide us and no assistance has been offered...very frustrating. It's not easy stuff either..example-ATP and ADP work with PIP kinase, fatty acid chains of outer lipid monolayer of plasma membrane blah blah blah....Don't worry, I don't know what it means either.

So instead of studying I am blogging-go figure! I really just had to get that off my chest though. Sometimes school is not so fun and I question my decision to go back to this stinking graduate school. Okay, I've had my moment and I'm done now.


A Case of Spanglers said...

You know what daniel told me when I had those moments? Pray for guidance as to what you need to know. Oh wait, wasn't that what our sharing time was on last month? ;) You are awesome and I'm sure you will do well.

Ben and Keri said...

I wish I could tell you things will get better, but..... hang in there I know you can do it. We are all cheering for you.

Heart on my sleeve said...

Get it done while you only have two kids. Do you want to slow down and take longer??? That's maybe an option???