14th-also his actual birthday) we had an improptu party with our neighbors and Cam's brother and sister who also live in Ogden.
We have two very special neighbors that are family to us. They love my kids and my kids love them. Carson and Hannah are very spoiled by both neighbors. We are so lucky to have them in our lives.
One set of neighbors that I am talking about live in the house right next to ours. Carson would live there if I would let him. J (the wife) has a flower press that Carson loves. Almost everyday in the spring and summer Carson looks for flower or leaves to bring to J to put in the flower press. He knows right where it is and knows how to work it. He even "borrowed" the flower press for a few days because he had so much "work" to do (according to him).
J and T came over to our little B-day party and gave Carson his very own flower press. I have never seen anything like it. I asked J where she got it and she said she "won" it at an auction this summer just for Carson. She said she could not wait for his birthday to give it to him. Carson was of course estatic. Too bad it is winter...
I could not believe what a nice, well thought of, gift this was for our Carson. We love J and T and appreciate them so much!
Carson with our beloved neighbors and the beloved flower press. If you click on the picture you will see that J and T are both holding a small piece of paper. Carson made them a little note that said "You are owes (always) loved"
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